Source code for clusterking.maths.metric

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# 3rd
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
import functools
from typing import Callable

# ours
from import DataWithErrors

[docs]def condense_distance_matrix(matrix): """ Convert a square-form distance matrix to a vector-form distance vector Args: matrix: n x n symmetric matrix with 0 diagonal Returns: n choose 2 vector """ return scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(matrix)
[docs]def uncondense_distance_matrix(vector): """ Convert a vector-form distance vector to a square-form distance matrix Args: vector: n choose 2 vector Returns: n x n symmetric matrix with 0 diagonal """ return scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(vector)
[docs]def metric_selection(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable: """ Select a metric in one of the following ways: 1. If no positional arguments are given, we choose the euclidean metric. 2. If the first positional argument is string, we pick one of the metrics that are defined in ``scipy.spatical.distance.pdist`` by that name (all additional arguments will be past to this function). 3. If the first positional argument is a function, we take this function (and add all additional arguments to it). Examples: * ``...()``: Euclidean metric * ``...("euclidean")``: Also Euclidean metric * ``...(lambda data: scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(, 'euclidean')``: Also Euclidean metric * ``...("minkowski", p=2)``: Minkowsky distance with ``p=2``. See for more information. Args: *args: **kwargs: Returns: Function that takes Data object as only parameter and returns a reduced distance matrix. """ if len(args) == 0: # default args = ['euclidean'] if isinstance(args[0], str): # The user can specify any of the metrics from # scipy.spatial.distance.pdist by name and supply additional # values return lambda data: scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(, args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs ) elif isinstance(args[0], Callable): # Assume that this is a function that takes DWE or Data as first # argument return functools.partial(args[0], *args[1:], **kwargs) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid type of first argument: {}".format(type(args[0])) )
# todo: unittest
[docs]def chi2_metric(dwe: DataWithErrors, output='condensed'): """ Returns the chi2/ndf values of the comparison of a datasets. Args: dwe: output: 'condensed' (condensed distance matrix) or 'full' (full distance matrix) Returns: Condensed distance matrix """ # # n vector n = dwe.norms() # todo: this stays untouched by decorrelation, right? # n x nbins d = # n x nbins e = dwe.err() # n x n x nbins nom1 = np.einsum("k,li->kli", n, d) nom2 = np.transpose(nom1, (1, 0, 2)) nominator = np.square(nom1 - nom2) # n x n x nbins den1 = np.einsum("k,li->kli", n, e) den2 = np.transpose(den1, (1, 0, 2)) denominator = np.square(den1) + np.square(den2) # n x n x nbins summand = nominator / denominator # n x n chi2ndf = np.einsum("kli->kl", summand) / dwe.nbins if output == 'condensed': return condense_distance_matrix(chi2ndf) elif output == 'full': return chi2ndf else: raise ValueError("Unknown argument '{}'.".format(output))