Source code for clusterking.plots.plot_bundles

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# std
import logging
import random
from typing import List, Iterable, Union

# 3rd party
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.animation as animation

# ours
from clusterking.util.log import get_logger
from clusterking.plots.plot_histogram import plot_histogram
from clusterking.plots.colors import ColorScheme

def get_random_indizes(start: int, stop: int, n: int) -> List[int]:
    """ Generate a list of n distinct (!) random integers.

        start: Minimum of index (start <= index)
        stop: Maximum of index (index < stop)
        n: Number of distinct random indizes to be generated

        List `number` many (different) random indizes
    indizes = set()
    iterations = 0
    while len(indizes) < n:
        indizes.add(random.randrange(start, stop))
        if iterations >= 10 * n:
                "Did not manage to generate enough different random "
                "integers (only {} of {}).".format(len(indizes), n)
    return sorted(list(indizes))

[docs]class BundlePlot(object): """ Plotting class to plot distributions by cluster in order to analyse which distributions get assigned to which cluster. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data): """ Args: data: :py:class:`` object """ #: logging.Logger object self.log = get_logger("BundlePlot", sh_level=logging.WARNING) #: pandas dataframe = data #: Name of the column holding the cluster number self.cluster_column = "cluster" self.bpoint_column = "bpoint" #: Color scheme self.color_scheme = ColorScheme(self._clusters) #: Draw legend? self.draw_legend = True #: Override default titles with this title. If None, the default title #: is used. self.title = None #: Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes = None
@property def fig(self): """ Instance of matplotlib.pyplot.figure """ return # ************************************************************************** # Internal helpers # ************************************************************************** @property def _has_bpoints(self): """ Do we have benchmark points? """ return self.bpoint_column in @property def _clusters(self): """ Return array of all distinct clusters. """ return def _filter_clusters(self, clusters: Iterable[int]) -> List[int]: """ Return list of existing clusters only. """ clusters = list(set(clusters)) selection = [c for c in clusters if c in self._clusters] removed = [c for c in clusters if c not in self._clusters] if removed: self.log.warning( "The cluster(s) {} does not exist in data, " "so I removed them.".format( ", ".join(map(str, sorted(removed))) ) ) return selection def _interpret_cluster_input(self, clusters=None) -> List[int]: """ Flexible handling of user specifications for clusters. Args: clusters: Either None (all clusters) a single int (just that cluster or a list of clusters). Returns: list of selected clusters """ if isinstance(clusters, int): clusters = [clusters] if not clusters: clusters = self._clusters return self._filter_clusters(clusters) def _get_df_cluster(self, cluster: int, bpoint=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return only the rows corresponding to one cluster in the dataframe and only the columns that correspond to the bins. Args: cluster: Name of the cluster bpoint: If True, return benchmark point, if False, return all non- benchmark points, if None, return everything. Returns: pandas.DataFrame as described above """ # to avoid long line: cc = self.cluster_column bc = df =[[cc] == cluster] if bpoint is None: return df[bc] elif bpoint is False: if self._has_bpoints: return df[ df[self.bpoint_column] == False ][bc] else: return df[bc] elif bpoint is True: if self._has_bpoints: return df[ df[self.bpoint_column] == True ][bc] else: return pd.DataFrame() else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument bpoint=={}".format(bpoint)) def _set_ax(self, ax, title): """ Set up axes. """ if self.title is not None: title = self.title if not ax: fig, ax = plt.subplots() = ax ax.set_title(title) # ************************************************************************** # Plots # ************************************************************************** # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Legend # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _draw_legend(self, clusters=None): if not self.draw_legend: return clusters = self._interpret_cluster_input(clusters) if len(clusters) <= 1: return legend_elements = [] for cluster in clusters: color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) # pycharm can't seem to find patches: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences p = matplotlib.patches.Patch( facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, label=cluster, ) legend_elements.append(p) handles=legend_elements, loc='best', title="Clusters", frameon=False ) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Benchmark points + more lines # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _plot_bundles(self, cluster: int, nlines=0, benchmark=True) -> None: """ Main implementation of self.plot_bundles (private method). This method will be called for each cluster in self.plot_bundles. Args: cluster: Number of cluster to be plotted nlines: Number of example distributions of the cluster to be plotted Returns: None """ df_cluster_no_bp = self._get_df_cluster(cluster, bpoint=False) if len(df_cluster_no_bp) < nlines: self.log.warning( "Not enough rows for cluster {} " "Only plotting {} lines.".format(cluster, len(df_cluster_no_bp)) ) nlines = len(df_cluster_no_bp) df_cluster_bp = self._get_df_cluster(cluster, bpoint=True) indizes = get_random_indizes(0, len(df_cluster_no_bp), nlines) color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) colors = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_colors_faded(cluster, nlines) if nlines == 1 and not benchmark: # Do not use faded out color if we just plot one line colors = [color] for i, index in enumerate(indizes): data = np.squeeze(df_cluster_no_bp.iloc[[index]].values) plot_histogram(, None, data, color=colors[i], linestyle="-" ) if self._has_bpoints and benchmark: plot_histogram(, None, df_cluster_bp.values, color=color, )
[docs] def plot_bundles(self, clusters: Union[int, Iterable[int]] = None, nlines=0, ax=None, bpoints=True) -> None: """ Plot several examples of distributions for each cluster specified Args: clusters: List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen. nlines: Number of example distributions of each cluster to be plotted ax: Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes to be plotted on. If None (default), a new axes object and figure is initialized and saved as and self.fig. bpoints: Draw benchmark curve Returns: None """ clusters = self._interpret_cluster_input(clusters) title = "" if self._has_bpoints: title = "benchmark point(s) " if clusters: title += "+ {} sample point(s) ".format(nlines) title += "for cluster(s) {}".format( ", ".join(map(str, sorted(clusters))) ) self._set_ax(ax, title) # pycharm might be confused about the type of `clusters`: # noinspection PyTypeChecker for cluster in clusters: self._plot_bundles(cluster, nlines=nlines, benchmark=bpoints) self._draw_legend(clusters)
[docs] def animate_bundle(self, cluster, n, benchmark=True): # There seems to be some underlying magic here with fig fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca() = ax linestyle = "-" if benchmark: self._plot_bundles(cluster, 0, benchmark=True) linestyle = "--" ims = [] df_cluster_no_bp = self._get_df_cluster(cluster, bpoint=False) color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) for i in range(n): index = random.randrange(0, len(df_cluster_no_bp)) contents = np.squeeze(df_cluster_no_bp.iloc[[index]].values) contents = np.append(contents, contents[-1]) edges = np.arange(len(contents)) ims.append(plt.step( edges, contents, where="post", color=color, linestyle=linestyle )) # self._set_ax(None, "Animated sample points") anim = animation.ArtistAnimation( fig, ims, interval=500, repeat_delay=3000, blit=True ) # In order to display this in the notebook, use # from IPython.display import HTML # HTML(anim.to_html5_video()) return anim
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Minima/Maxima of bin content for each cluster # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _plot_minmax(self, cluster: int, bpoints=True) -> None: """ Main implementation of self.plot_minmax. This method will be called for each cluster in self.plot_minmax. Args: cluster: Name of cluster to be plotted bpoints: Plot reference Returns: None """ df_cluster = self._get_df_cluster(cluster) maxima = list(df_cluster.max().values) minima = list(df_cluster.min().values) bin_numbers = np.array(range(0, len( + 1)) color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) for i in range(len(maxima)): x = bin_numbers[i:i+2] y1 = [minima[i], minima[i]] y2 = [maxima[i], maxima[i]] x, y1, y2, facecolor=color, interpolate=False, alpha=0.3, hatch="////", color=color ) if bpoints: self._plot_bundles(cluster, nlines=0)
[docs] def plot_minmax(self, clusters: Union[int, Iterable[int]] = None, ax=None, bpoints=True) -> None: """ Plot the minimum and maximum of each bin for the specified clusters. Args: clusters: List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen. ax: Instance of ``matplotlib.axes.Axes`` to plot on. If None, a new one is instantiated. bpoints: Plot reference Returns: None """ clusters = self._interpret_cluster_input(clusters) title = "Minima and maxima of the bin contents for cluster(s)" \ " {}".format(', '.join(map(str, sorted(clusters)))) self._set_ax(ax, title) # pycharm might be confused about the type of `clusters`: # noinspection PyTypeChecker for cluster in clusters: self._plot_minmax(cluster, bpoints=bpoints) self._draw_legend(clusters)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Box plots # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _box_plot(self, cluster, whiskers=1.5, bpoints=True) -> None: """ Main implementation of self.box_plot. Gets called for every cluster specified in self.box_plot. Args: cluster: Name of cluster to be plotted whiskers: Length of the whiskers of the box plot. See self.box_plot for more information. Default: 1.5 (matplotlib default) Returns: None """ df_cluster = self._get_df_cluster(cluster) data = df_cluster.values color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) # print(len(data.T)) data, notch=False, positions=np.array(range(len(data.T))) + 0.5, vert=True, patch_artist=True, boxprops=dict(facecolor=color, color=color, alpha=0.3), capprops=dict(color=color), whiskerprops=dict(color=color), flierprops=dict(color=color, markeredgecolor=color), medianprops=dict(color=color), whis=whiskers # extend the range of the whiskers ) if bpoints: self._plot_bundles(cluster, nlines=0)
[docs] def box_plot(self, clusters: Union[int, Iterable[int]] = None, ax=None, whiskers=2.5, bpoints=True) -> None: """ Box plot of the bin contents of the distributions corresponding to selected clusters. Args: clusters: List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen. ax: Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes to plot on. If None, a new one is instantiated. whiskers: Length of the whiskers of the box plot in units of IQR (interquartile range, containing 50% of all values). Default 2.5. bpoints: Draw benchmarks? """ clusters = self._interpret_cluster_input(clusters) title = "Box plot of the bin contents for cluster(s) {}\n" \ "Whisker length set to {}*IQR".format( ", ".join(map(str, sorted(clusters))), whiskers ) self._set_ax(ax, title) # pycharm might be confused about the type of `clusters`: # noinspection PyTypeChecker for cluster in clusters: self._box_plot(cluster, whiskers=whiskers, bpoints=bpoints) self._draw_legend(clusters)