Source code for clusterking.plots.plot_clusters

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# std
from math import ceil
import logging
from typing import List

# 3d party
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # NOTE BELOW (*)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# ours
from clusterking.util.log import get_logger
from clusterking.plots.colors import ColorScheme

# (*) This import line is not explicitly used, but do not remove it!
# It is nescessary to load the 3d support!

# fixme: Maybe not take _setup_all?
# todo: also have the 3d equivalent of ClusterPlot.fill (using voxels)
# todo: option to disable legend
[docs]class ClusterPlot(object): """ Plot clusters in parameter space. After initialization, use the 'scatter' or 'fill' method for plotting. You can modify the attributes of this class to tweak some properties of the plots. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data): """ Args: data: :py:class:`` object """ #: logging.Logger object self.log = get_logger("ClusterPlot", sh_level=logging.WARNING) #: Instance of pandas.DataFrame = data # (Advanced) config values # Documented in docstring of this class #: Color scheme self.color_scheme = None #: List of markers of the get_clusters (scatter plot only). self.markers = None if not self.markers: self.markers = ["o", "v", "^", "v", "<", ">"] #: Maximal number of subplots self.max_subplots = 16 #: Maximal number of columns of the subplot grid self.max_cols = 4 #: Formatting of key-value pairs in title of plots self.kv_formatter = "{}={:.2f}" #: figure size of each subplot self.figsize = (4, 4) #: The name of the column that holds the cluster index self.cluster_column = "cluster" #: The name of the column that holds the benchmark yes/no information self.bpoint_column = "bpoint" #: Default marker size self.default_marker_size = \ 1/2 * matplotlib.rcParams['lines.markersize'] ** 2 #: Marker size of benchmark points self.bpoint_marker_size = 6 * self.default_marker_size #: If true, a legend is drawn self.draw_legend = True # Internal values: Do not modify # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Names of the columns to be on the axes of # the plot. self._axis_columns = None self._clusters = None self._df_dofs = None self._fig = None self._axs = None
# ========================================================================== # User access via property # ========================================================================== @property def fig(self): """ The figure. """ return self._fig # ========================================================================== # Quick access of simple logic # ========================================================================== @property def _ndim(self): return len(self._axis_columns) @property def _axli(self): """Note: axs contains all axes (subplots) as a 2D grid, axsli contains the same objects but as a simple list (easier to iterate over)""" return self._axs.flatten() @property def _has_bpoints(self): """ True if we have benchmark points. """ return self.bpoint_column in @property def _nsubplots(self): """ Number of subplots. """ # +1 to have space for legend! return max(1, len(self._df_dofs)) + int(self.draw_legend) @property def _ncols(self): """ Number of columns of the subplot grid. """ return min(self.max_cols, self._nsubplots) @property def _nrows(self): """ Number of rows of the subplot grid. """ # the ``int`` technically does not make a difference, but pycharm # thinks that ``ceil`` returns floats and therefore complains # otherwise return int(ceil(self._nsubplots / self._ncols)) # ========================================================================== # Helper functions # ========================================================================== def _find_dofs(self): """ Find all parameters that are not axes on the plots and attain at least two different values. These parameters are called the degrees of freedom (dofs). """ dofs = [] for col in if col not in self._axis_columns: if len([col].unique()) >= 2: dofs.append(col) self.log.debug("dofs = {}".format(dofs)) self._dofs = dofs def _sample_dofs(self): """ For every dof, select values to be shown on it. Save this as the dataframe self._df_dofs""" if not self._dofs: df_dofs = pd.DataFrame([]) else: df_dofs =[self._dofs].drop_duplicates() df_dofs.sort_values(self._dofs, inplace=True) df_dofs.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) self.log.debug("number of subplots = {}".format(len(df_dofs))) # Reduce the number of subplots by only sampling several points of # the Wilson coeffs that aren't on the axes if len(df_dofs) > self.max_subplots: steps_per_dof = int(self.max_subplots ** (1 / len(self._dofs))) self.log.debug("number of steps per dof", steps_per_dof) for col in self._dofs: allowed_values = df_dofs[col].unique() indizes = list(set( np.linspace( 0, len(allowed_values)-1, steps_per_dof, dtype=int ) )) allowed_values = allowed_values[indizes] df_dofs = df_dofs[df_dofs[col].isin(allowed_values)] self.log.debug("number of subplots left after " "subsampling = {}".format(len(df_dofs))) self._df_dofs = df_dofs def _setup_subplots(self): """ Set up the subplot grid""" # 1. Initialize subplots # ---------------------- # squeeze keyword: # do not share axes, that makes problems if the grid is incomplete subplots_args = { "nrows": self._nrows, "ncols": self._ncols, "figsize": (self._ncols * self.figsize[0], self._nrows * self.figsize[1]), "squeeze": False, } if self._ndim == 3: subplots_args["subplot_kw"] = {'projection': '3d'} self._fig, self._axs = plt.subplots(**subplots_args) # 2. Setup frames # --------------- for isubplot in range(self._nrows * self._ncols): if self._ndim == 1: for loc in ["top", "left", "right"]: self._axli[isubplot].spines[loc].set_visible(False) self._axli[isubplot].spines['bottom'].set_position('center') # 3. Hide plots # ------------- # Since we initialize a grid of subplots, but might have less # subplots to actually show, we hide some of them here. for isubplot in range(self._nsubplots, self._nrows * self._ncols): self._axli[isubplot].set_visible(False) # 4. Setup labels # --------------- # Number of hidden plots ihidden = self._nrows * self._ncols - self._nsubplots + 1 # Column number from which we have to start hiding plots # (note that all hidden plots are in the last row) icol_hidden = self._ncols - ihidden self.log.debug("ihidden = {}".format(ihidden)) self.log.debug("icol_hidden = {}".format(icol_hidden)) if self._ndim == 1: for isubplot in range(self._nrows * self._ncols): self._axli[isubplot].set_yticks([]) if self._ndim == 2: for isubplot in range(self._nrows * self._ncols): irow = isubplot // self._ncols icol = isubplot % self._ncols # Set labels and ticks: if icol == 0: self._axli[isubplot].set_ylabel(self._axis_columns[1]) else: self._axli[isubplot].set_yticklabels([]) if irow == self._nrows - 2 and icol >= icol_hidden: self._axli[isubplot].set_xlabel(self._axis_columns[0]) elif irow == self._nrows - 1 and icol <= icol_hidden: self._axli[isubplot].set_xlabel(self._axis_columns[0]) else: self._axli[isubplot].set_xticklabels([]) elif self._ndim == 3: for isubplot in range(self._nsubplots): self._axli[isubplot].set_xlabel(self._axis_columns[0]) self._axli[isubplot].set_ylabel(self._axis_columns[1]) self._axli[isubplot].set_zlabel(self._axis_columns[2]) # 3. Add title to subplots # ------------------------ for isubplot in range(self._nsubplots - int(self.draw_legend)): self._axli[isubplot].set_title(self._plot_title(isubplot)) # 4. Set ranges # -------------- # Set the xrange explicitly in order to not depend # on which get_clusters are shown etc. for isubplot in range(self._nsubplots): if self._ndim == 1: self._axli[isubplot].set_ylim([-1, 1]) if self._ndim >= 1: self._axli[isubplot].set_xlim(self._get_lims(0)) if self._ndim >= 2: self._axli[isubplot].set_ylim(self._get_lims(1)) if self._ndim >= 3: self._axli[isubplot].set_zlim(self._get_lims(2)) def _plot_title(self, isubplot): """ Return title for subplot Args: isubplot: Index of subplot Returns: Title as string """ kv = { key: self._df_dofs.iloc[isubplot][key] for key in self._dofs } strings = [ self.kv_formatter.format(key, value) for key, value in kv.items() ] max_line_length = 15 title = "" current_line_length = 0 for string in strings: if current_line_length == 0: title += string current_line_length = len(string) elif current_line_length + len(string) < max_line_length: title += " " + string current_line_length += len(string) + 1 else: title += "\n" + string current_line_length = len(string) return title # todo: if scatter: use proper markers! def _add_legend(self): if not self.draw_legend: return legend_elements = [] for cluster in self._clusters: color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) # pycharm can't seem to find patches: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences p = matplotlib.patches.Patch( facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, label=cluster, ) legend_elements.append(p) self._axli[self._nsubplots - 1].legend( handles=legend_elements, loc='lower left', title="Clusters", frameon=False ) # todo: this shouldn't be necessary if setup axes worked as expected self._axli[self._nsubplots - 1].set_axis_off() def _get_lims(self, ax_no: int, stretch=0.1): """ Get lower and upper limit of axis (including padding) Args: ax_no: 0 for x-axis, 1 for y-axis etc. stretch: Fraction of total value span to add as padding. Returns: (minimum of plotrange, maximum of plotrange) """ mi = min([self._axis_columns[ax_no]].values) ma = max([self._axis_columns[ax_no]].values) d = ma - mi pad = stretch * d return mi - pad, ma + pad def _setup_all(self, cols: List[str], clusters=None) -> None: """ Performs all setups. Args: cols: Names of the columns to be on the plot axes clusters: Clusters to plot Returns: None """ if not 1 <= len(cols) <= 3: raise ValueError( "Plot dimension has to be between 1 and 3, but it is {}. " "Did you specify enough columns/parameters as axes?".format( len(cols) ) ) self._clusters = clusters self._axis_columns = cols if not self._clusters: # todo: use d.clusters self._clusters = list([self.cluster_column].unique()) # Careful: Use the real number of clusters when initializing the # color scheme! # todo: do we really need to reinitialize this? self.color_scheme = ColorScheme( self._find_dofs() self._sample_dofs() self._setup_subplots() def _set_fill_colors(self, matrix: np.ndarray) \ -> np.ndarray: """ A helper function for the fill method. Given a n x m matrix of cluster numbers, this returns a n x m x 3 matrix, where the last 3 dimensions contain the rgb value of the color that this cluster should be colored with. Args: matrix: m x n matrix containing cluster numbers Returns: n x m x 3 matrix with last 3 dimensions containing RGB codes """ rows, cols = matrix.shape matrix_colored = np.zeros((rows, cols, 3)) for irow in range(rows): for icol in range(cols): cluster = int(matrix[irow, icol]) color = self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster) rgb = color[:3] matrix_colored[irow, icol] = rgb return matrix_colored # ========================================================================== # Plotting methods # ========================================================================== # todo: **kwargs # todo: factor out the common part of scatter and fill into its own method?
[docs] def scatter(self, cols: List[str], clusters=None, **kwargs): """ Create scatter plot, specifying the columns to be on the axes of the plot. If 3 column are specified, 3D scatter plots are presented, else 2D plots. If the dataframe contains more columns, such that each row is not only specified by the columns on the axes, a selection of subplots is created, showing 'cuts'. Benchmark points are marked by enlarged plot markers. Args: cols: The names of the columns to be shown on the x, y (and z) axis of the plots. clusters: The get_clusters to be plotted (default: all) **kwargs: Kwargs for ax.scatter Returns: The figure (unless the 'inline' setting of matplotllib is detected). """ self._setup_all(cols, clusters) for isubplot in range(self._nsubplots - int(self.draw_legend)): for cluster in self._clusters: df_cluster = \[[self.cluster_column] == cluster] for col in self._dofs: df_cluster = df_cluster[ df_cluster[col] == self._df_dofs.iloc[isubplot][col] ] if self._has_bpoints: df_cluster_no_bp = df_cluster[ ~df_cluster[self.bpoint_column] ] df_cluster_bp = df_cluster[ df_cluster[self.bpoint_column] ] else: df_cluster_no_bp = df_cluster df_cluster_bp = pd.DataFrame() # df_cluster_non_bpoint = df_cluster[]] data = [ df_cluster_no_bp[col].values for col in self._axis_columns ] if self._ndim == 1: # Insert trivial y value data.append(0.1 + np.zeros(len(data[0]))) self._axli[isubplot].scatter( *data, color=self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster), marker=self.markers[(cluster-1) % len(self.markers)], label=cluster, s=self.default_marker_size, **kwargs ) if self._has_bpoints: bp_data = [ df_cluster_bp[col].values for col in self._axis_columns ] if self._ndim == 1: # Insert trivial y value bp_data.append(0.1 + np.zeros(len(bp_data[0]))) self._axli[isubplot].scatter( *bp_data, color=self.color_scheme.get_cluster_color(cluster), marker=self.markers[(cluster-1) % len(self.markers)], label=cluster, s=self.bpoint_marker_size, **kwargs ) self._add_legend() if 'inline' not in matplotlib.get_backend(): return self._fig
# todo: implement interpolation
[docs] def fill(self, cols: List[str], kwargs_imshow=None): """ Call this method with two column names, x and y. The results are similar to those of 2D scatter plots as created by the scatter method, except that the coloring is expanded to the whole xy plane. Note: This method only works with uniformly sampled NP! Args: cols: List of name of column to be plotted on x-axis and on y-axis kwargs_imshow: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to imshow Returns: The figure (unless the 'inline' setting of matplotllib is detected). """ if not kwargs_imshow: kwargs_imshow = {} assert(len(cols) == 2) self._setup_all(cols) for isubplot in range(self._nsubplots - int(self.draw_legend)): df_subplot = for col in self._dofs: df_subplot = df_subplot[ df_subplot[col] == self._df_dofs.iloc[isubplot][col] ] x = df_subplot[cols[0]].unique() y = df_subplot[cols[1]].unique() df_subplot.sort_values(by=[cols[1], cols[0]], ascending=[False, True], inplace=True) z = df_subplot[self.cluster_column].values # check if this makes sense z_matrix = z.reshape(y.shape[0], int(len(z) / y.shape[0])) imshow_config = { "interpolation": "none", "aspect": "auto" } imshow_config.update(kwargs_imshow) self._axli[isubplot].imshow( self._set_fill_colors(z_matrix), extent=[min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)], **imshow_config ) self._add_legend() if 'inline' not in matplotlib.get_backend(): return self._fig
# ========================================================================== # Shortcuts for user # ==========================================================================
[docs] def savefig(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Equivalent to ``ClusterPlot.fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)``: Saves figure to file, e.g. ``ClusterPlot.savefig("test.pdf")``. """ self._fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)