Source code for clusterking.scan.wilsonscanner

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# 3rd
import wilson
import numpy as np
import itertools

# ours
from clusterking.scan.scanner import Scanner

[docs]class WilsonScanner(Scanner): """ Scans the NP parameter space in a grid and also in the kinematic variable. Usage example: .. code-block:: python import flavio import functools import numpy as np import clusterking as ck # Initialize Scanner object s = ck.scan.WilsonScanner() # Sample 4 points for each of the 5 Wilson coefficients s.set_spoints_equidist( { "CVL_bctaunutau": (-1, 1, 4), "CSL_bctaunutau": (-1, 1, 4), "CT_bctaunutau": (-1, 1, 4) }, scale=5, eft='WET', basis='flavio' ) # Set function and binning s.set_dfunction( functools.partial(flavio.np_prediction, "dBR/dq2(B+->Dtaunu)"), binning=np.linspace(3.15, 11.66, 10), normalize=True ) # Initialize a Data objects to write to d = ck.Data() # Start running with maximally 3 cores and write the results to Data """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def set_spoints_grid(self, values, scale, eft, basis) -> None: """ Set a grid of points in wilson space. Args: values: A dictionary of the following form: .. code-block:: python { <wilson coeff name>: [ value1, value2, ... ] } scale: Wilson coeff input scale in GeV eft: Wilson coeff input eft basis: Wilson coeff input basis """ # Important to remember the order now, because of what we do next. # Dicts are NOT ordered coeffs = list(values.keys()) # It's very important to sort the coefficient names here, because when # calling wilson.Wilson(...).wc.values() later, these will also # be alphabetically ordered. coeffs.sort() # Nowe we collect all lists of values. values_lists = [ values[coeff] for coeff in coeffs ] # Now we build the cartesian product, i.e. # [a1, a2, ...] x [b1, b2, ...] x ... x [z1, z2, ...] = # [(a1, b1, ..., z1), ..., (a2, b2, ..., z2)] cartesians = list(itertools.product(*values_lists)) # And build wilson coefficients from this self._spoints = [ wilson.Wilson( wcdict={ coeffs[icoeff]: cartesian[icoeff] for icoeff in range(len(coeffs)) }, scale=scale, eft=eft, basis=basis ) for cartesian in cartesians ] md =["spoints"] md["coeffs"] = list(values.keys()) md["values"] = values md["scale"] = scale md["eft"] = eft md["basis"] = basis
[docs] def set_spoints_equidist(self, ranges, scale, eft, basis) -> None: """ Set a list of 'equidistant' points in wilson space. Args: ranges: A dictionary of the following form: .. code-block:: python { <wilson coeff name>: ( <Minimum of wilson coeff>, <Maximum of wilson coeff>, <Number of bins between min and max>, ) } scale: <Wilson coeff input scale in GeV>, eft: <Wilson coeff input eft>, basis: <Wilson coeff input basis> Returns: None """ grid_config = { coeff: list(np.linspace(*ranges[coeff])) for coeff in ranges } self.set_spoints_grid( grid_config, scale=scale, eft=eft, basis=basis, ) # Make sure to do this after set_spoints_grid, so we overwrite # the relevant parts. md =["spoints"] md["sampling"] = "equidistant" md["ranges"] = ranges