Source code for clusterking.util.testing

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# std
import os
import pathlib
import unittest

# 3rd party
import nbformat
from nbconvert.preprocessors import ExecutePreprocessor
import numpy as np

ENV_VAR_TESTING_MODE = "B_decays_clustering_TESTMODE"

[docs]def set_testing_mode(testing_mode: bool) -> None: """ Set an environment variable signalling if we are in testing mode. Args: testing_mode (bool): True if we are in testing mode Returns: None """ if testing_mode: os.environ[ENV_VAR_TESTING_MODE] = "true" else: os.environ[ENV_VAR_TESTING_MODE] = "false"
[docs]def is_testing_mode(): testing_mode = os.environ[ENV_VAR_TESTING_MODE] if testing_mode == "true": return True elif testing_mode == "false": return False else: raise ValueError("{} set to invalid value {}.".format( ENV_VAR_TESTING_MODE, testing_mode))
[docs]def test_jupyter_notebook(path) -> None: """ Runs jupyter notebook. A ValueError is raised if the file was not found. """ set_testing_mode(True) path = pathlib.Path(path) if not path.exists(): raise ValueError("Notebook '{}' wasn't even found!".format(path)) run_path_str = str(path.parent.resolve()) ep = ExecutePreprocessor(timeout=600, kernel_name='python3') try: with as f: nb =, as_version=4) ep.preprocess(nb, {'metadata': {'path': run_path_str}}) except Exception as e: set_testing_mode(False) raise e
[docs]class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Implements an additional general testing methods. """
[docs] def assertAllClose(self, a, b): """ Compares two numpy arrays """ if not isinstance(a, np.ndarray): a = np.array(a) if not isinstance(b, np.ndarray): b = np.array(b) almost_same = (np.allclose( a, b )) if not almost_same: self.assertTrue(False, "Not the same: {} and {}.".format(a, b))