Workers and Results =================== Operations on the data (represented by a :class:`` object) are performed by worker classes, which are a subclass of the :class:`~clusterking.worker.DataWorker` class. Usually the workflow looks as follows: 1. Initialize the worker class ``w = Worker()`` 2. Configure the worker class by applying a set of methods: ``w.set_metric(...)``, ``w.configure_fom(...)``` etc. 3. Run the worker class on a :class:`` object: ``r =``. This returns a result object ``r``. Running a worker class returns a result class, which is formally a subclass of the :class:`~clusterking.result.AbstractResult`` class. Most prominently, it has a ``write`` method, that allows to writes the relevant part of the results back to the :class:`` object. Thus the workflow continues as 4. Write back to data object: ``r.write()``. .. automodule:: clusterking.worker ``Worker`` --------------------- .. autoclass:: AbstractWorker :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: DataWorker :members: :undoc-members: .. automodule:: clusterking.result ``Result`` --------------------- .. autoclass:: AbstractResult :members: :undoc-members: .. autoclass:: DataResult :members: :undoc-members: