
This page describes the main data object that are used by ClusterKinG. If you do not need to include errors in your analysis, use Data, else DataWithErrors (which inherits from Data but adds additional methods to it).

Both classes inherit from a very basic class, DFMD, which provides basic input and output methods.


class Optional[Union[str, pathlib.PurePath]] = None, log: Optional[Union[str, logging.Logger]] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

DFMD = DataFrame with MetaData. This class bundles a pandas dataframe together with metadata and provides methods to save and load such an object.

__init__(path: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.PurePath]] = None, log: Optional[Union[str, logging.Logger]] = None)[source]#

Initialize a DFMD object.

  • path – Optional: load from this file (specified as string or pathlib.PurePath)

  • log – Optional: instance of logging.Logger or name of logger to be created


This will hold all the configuration that we will write out

df: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]#

pandas.DataFrame to hold all of the results


Instance of logging.Logger

write(path: Union[str, pathlib.PurePath], overwrite='ask')[source]#

Write output files.

  • path – Path to output file

  • overwrite – How to proceed if output file already exists: ‘ask’ (ask interactively for approval if we have to overwrite), ‘overwrite’ (overwrite without asking), ‘raise’ (raise Exception if file exists). Default is ‘ask’.



copy(deep=True, data=True, memo=None)[source]#

Make a copy of this object.

  • deep – Make a deep copy (default True). If this is disabled, any change to the copy will also affect the original.

  • data – Also copy data

  • memo


New object.


class*args, **kwargs)[source]#


This class inherits from the DFMD class and adds additional methods to it. It is the basic container, that contains

  • The distributions to cluster

  • The cluster numbers after clustering

  • The benchmark points after they are selected.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
property bin_cols: List[str]#

All columns that correspond to the bins of the distribution. This is automatically read from the metadata as set in e.g.

property par_cols: List[str]#

All columns that correspond to the parameters (e.g. Wilson parameters). This is automatically read from the metadata as set in e.g. the

property n: int#

Number of points in parameter space that were sampled.

property nbins: int#

Number of bins of the distribution.

property npars: int#

Number of parameters that were sampled (i.e. number of dimensions of the sampled parameter space.

data(normalize=False) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Returns all histograms as a large matrix.


normalize – Normalize all histograms


numpy.ndarray of shape self.n x self.nbins

norms() numpy.ndarray[source]#

Returns a vector of all normalizations of all histograms (where each histogram corresponds to one sampled point in parameter space).


numpy.ndarray of shape self.n

clusters(cluster_column='cluster') List[Any][source]#

Return list of all cluster names (unique)


cluster_column – Column that contains the cluster names

get_param_values(param: Union[None, str] = None)[source]#

Return all unique values of this parameter


param – Name of parameter. If none is given, instead return a dictionary mapping of parameters to their values.


only_bpoints(bpoint_column='bpoint', inplace=False)[source]#

Keep only the benchmark points as sample points.

  • bpoint_column – benchmark point column (boolean)

  • inplace – If True, the current Data object is modified, if False, a new copy of the Data object is returned.


None or Data

fix_param(inplace=False, bpoints=False, bpoint_slices=False, bpoint_column='bpoint', **kwargs)[source]#

Fix some parameter values to get a subset of sample points.

  • inplace – Modify this Data object instead of returning a new one

  • bpoints – Keep bpoints (no matter if they are selected by the other selection or not)

  • bpoint_slices – Keep all parameter values that are attained by benchmark points.

  • bpoint_column – Column with benchmark points (default ‘bpoints’) (for use with the bpoints option)

  • **kwargs – Specify parameter values: Use <parameter name>=<value> or <parameter name>=[<value1>, ..., <valuen>].


If inplace == False, return new Data with subset of sample points.


d = Data("/path/to/tutorial/csv/folder", "tutorial_basics")

Return a new Data object, keeping the two values CT_bctaunutau closest to -0.75 or 0.5

d.fix_param(CT_bctaunutau=[-.75, 0.5])

Return a new Data object, where we also fix CSL_bctaunutau to the value closest to -1.0:

d.fix_param(CT_bctaunutau=[-.75, 0.5], CSL_bctaunutau=-1.0)

Return a new Data object, keeping the two values CT_bctaunutau closest to -0.75 or 0.5, but make sure we do not discard any benchmark points in that process:

d.fix_param(CT_bctaunutau=[-.75, 0.5], bpoints=True)

Return a new Data object, keeping the two values CT_bctaunutau closest to -0.75 or 0.5, but keep all values of CT_bctaunutau that are attained by at least one benchmark point:

d.fix_param(CT_bctaunutau=[-.75, 0.5], bpoint_slices=True)

Return a new Data object, keeping only those values of CT_bctaunutau, that are attained by at least one benchmark point:

d.fix_param(CT_bctaunutau=[], bpoint_slice=True)
sample_param(bpoints=False, bpoint_slices=False, bpoint_column='bpoint', inplace=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Return a Data object that contains a subset of the sample points (points in parameter space). Similar to Data.fix_param.

  • inplace – Modify this Data object instead of returning a new one

  • bpoints – Keep bpoints (no matter if they are selected by the other selection or not)

  • bpoint_slices – Keep all parameter values that are attained by benchmark points

  • bpoint_column – Column with benchmark points (default ‘bpoints’) (for use with the bpoints option)

  • **kwargs – Specify parameter ranges: <coeff name>=(min, max, npoints) or <coeff name>=npoints For each coeff (identified by <coeff name>), select (at most) npoints points between min and max. In total this will therefore result in npoints_{coeff_1} x … x npoints_{coeff_npar} sample points (provided that there are enough sample points available). If a coefficient isn’t contained in the dictionary, this dimension of the sample remains untouched.


If inplace == False, return new Data with subset of sample points.


d = Data("/path/to/tutorial/csv/folder", "tutorial_basics")

Return a new Data object, keeping subsampling CT_bctaunutau closest to 5 values between -1 and 1:

d.sample_param(CT_bctaunutau=(-1, 1, 10))

The same in shorter syntax (because -1 and 1 are the minimum and maximum of the parameter)


For the bpoints and bpoint_slices syntax, see the documentation of

sample_param_random(inplace=False, bpoints=False, bpoint_column='bpoint', **kwargs)[source]#

Random subsampling in parameter space.

  • inplace – Modify this Data object instead of returning a new one

  • bpoints – Keep bpoints (no matter if they are selected by the other selection or not)

  • bpoint_column – Column with benchmark points (default ‘bpoints’) (for use with the bpoints option)

  • **kwargs – Arguments for pandas.DataFrame.sample()


If inplace == False, return new Data with subset of sample points.

find_closest_spoints(point: Dict[str, float], n=10)[source]#

Given a point in parameter space, find the closest sampling points to it and return them as a Data object with the corresponding subset of spoints. The order of the rows in the dataframe Data.df will be in order of increasing parameter space distance from the given point.

  • point – Dictionary of parameter name to value

  • n – Maximal number of rows to return


Data object with subset of rows of dataframe corresponding to the closest points in parameter space.

find_closest_bpoints(point: Dict[str, float], n=10, bpoint_column='bpoint')[source]#

Given a point in parameter space, find the closest benchmark points to it and return them as a Data object with the corresponding subset of benchmark points. The order of the rows in the dataframe Data.df will be in order of increasing parameter space distance from the given point.

  • point – Dictionary of parameter name to value

  • n – Maximal number of rows to return

  • bpoint_column – Column name of the benchmark column


Data object with subset of rows of dataframe corresponding to the closest points in parameter space.

configure_variable(variable, axis_label=None)[source]#

Set additional information for variables, e.g. the variable on the x axis of the plots of the distribution or the parameters.

  • variable – Name of the variable

  • axis_label – An alternate name which will be used on the axes of plots.

rename_clusters(arg=None, column='cluster', new_column=None)[source]#

Rename clusters based on either

  1. A dictionary of the form {<old cluster name>: <new cluster name>}

  2. A function that maps the old cluster name to the new cluster name

Example for 2: Say our Data object d contains clusters 1 to 10 in the default column cluster. The following method call will instead use the numbers 0 to 9:

d.rename_clusters(lambda x: x-1)
  • arg – Dictionary or function as described above.

  • column – Column that contains the cluster names

  • new_column – New column to write to (default None, i.e. rename in place)



plot_dist(cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', title: Union[None, str] = None, clusters: Optional[List[int]] = None, nlines=None, bpoints=True, legend=True, ax=None, hist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, hist_kwargs_bp: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]#

Plot several examples of distributions for each cluster specified.

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • title – Plot title (None: automatic)

  • clusters – List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen.

  • nlines – Number of example distributions of each cluster to be plotted (default 0)

  • bpoints – Draw benchmark points (default True)

  • legend – Draw legend? (default True)

  • ax – Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes to plot on. If None, a new one is instantiated.

  • hist_kwargs – Keyword arguments passed on to plot_histogram()

  • hist_kwargs_bp – Like hist_kwargs but used for benchmark points. If None, hist_kwargs is used.

Note: To customize these kind of plots further, check the BundlePlot class and the plot_bundles() method thereof.



plot_dist_minmax(cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', title: Union[None, str] = None, clusters: Optional[List[int]] = None, bpoints=True, legend=True, ax=None, hist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, fill_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]#

Plot the minimum and maximum of each bin for the specified clusters.

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • title – Plot title (None: automatic)

  • clusters – List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen.

  • bpoints – Draw benchmark points (default True)

  • legend – Draw legend? (default True)

  • ax – Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes to plot on. If None, a new one is instantiated.

  • hist_kwargs – Keyword arguments to plot_histogram()

  • fill_kwargs – Keyword arguments to`matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between`

Note: To customize these kind of plots further, check the BundlePlot class and the plot_minmax() method thereof.



plot_dist_box(cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', title: Union[None, str] = None, clusters: Optional[List[int]] = None, bpoints=True, whiskers=2.5, legend=True, ax=None, boxplot_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, hist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None)[source]#

Box plot of the bin contents of the distributions corresponding to selected clusters.

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • title – Plot title (None: automatic)

  • clusters – List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen.

  • bpoints – Draw benchmark points (default True)

  • whiskers – Length of the whiskers of the box plot in units of IQR (interquartile range, containing 50% of all values). Default 2.5.

  • legend – Draw legend? (default True)

  • boxplot_kwargs – Arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot

  • ax – Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes to plot on. If None, a new one is instantiated.

  • boxplot_kwargs – Keyword arguments to matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot

  • hist_kwargs – Keyword arguments to plot_histogram()

Note: To customize these kind of plots further, check the BundlePlot class and the box_plot() method thereof.



plot_clusters_scatter(params=None, clusters=None, cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', legend=True, max_subplots=16, max_cols=4, markers=('o', 'v', '^', 'v', '<', '>'), figsize=4, aspect_ratio=None)[source]#

Create scatter plot, specifying the columns to be on the axes of the plot. If 3 column are specified, 3D scatter plots are presented, else 2D plots. If the dataframe contains more columns, such that each row is not only specified by the columns on the axes, a selection of subplots is created, showing ‘cuts’. Benchmark points are marked by enlarged plot markers.

  • params – The names of the columns to be shown on the x, (y, (z)) axis of the plots.

  • clusters – The get_clusters to be plotted (default: all)

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • legend – Draw legend? (default True)

  • max_subplots – Maximal number of subplots

  • max_cols – Maximal number of columns of the subplot grid

  • markers – List of markers of the get_clusters

  • figsize – Base size of each subplot

  • aspect_ratio – Aspect ratio of 2D plots. If None, will be chosen automatically based on data ranges.



plot_clusters_fill(params=None, cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', legend=True, max_subplots=16, max_cols=4, figsize=4, aspect_ratio=None)[source]#

Call this method with two column names, x and y. The results are similar to those of 2D scatter plots as created by the scatter method, except that the coloring is expanded to the whole xy plane. Note: This method only works with uniformly sampled NP!

  • params – The names of the columns to be shown on the x, y (and z) axis of the plots.

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • legend – Draw legend? (default True)

  • max_subplots – Maximal number of subplots

  • max_cols – Maximal number of columns of the subplot grid

  • figsize – Base size of each subplot

  • aspect_ratio – Aspect ratio of 2D plots. If None, will be chosen automatically based on data ranges.



plot_bpoint_distance_matrix(cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', metric='euclidean', ax=None)[source]#

Plot the pairwise distances of all benchmark points.

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • metric – String or function. See clusterking.maths.metric.metric_selection(). Default: Euclidean distance.

  • ax – Matplotlib axes or None (automatic)



df: Optional[pd.DataFrame]#

pandas.DataFrame to hold all of the results


class*args, **kwargs)[source]#


This class extends the Data class by convenient and performant ways to add errors to the distributions.

See the description of the Data class for more information about the data structure itself.

There are three basic ways to add errors:

  1. Add relative errors (with correlation) relative to the bin content of each bin in the distribution: add_rel_err_... (\(\mathrm{Cov}^{(k)}_{\text{rel}}(i, j)\))

  2. Add absolute errors (with correlation): add_err_... (\(\mathrm{Cov}^{(k)}_{\text{abs}}(i, j)\))

  3. Add poisson errors: add_err_poisson()

The covariance matrix for bin i and j of distribution n (with contents \(d^{(n)}_i\)) will then be

\[\begin{split}\mathrm{Cov}(d^{(n)}_i, d^{(n)}_j) = &\sum_{k}\mathrm{Cov}_{\text{rel}}^{(k)}(i, j) \cdot d^{(n)}_i d^{(n)}_j + \\ + &\sum_k\mathrm{Cov}_{\text{abs}}^{(k)}(i, j) + \\ + &\delta_{ij} \sqrt{d^{(n)}_i d^{(n)}_j} / \sqrt{s}\end{split}\]


All of these methods add the errors in a consistent way for all sample points/distributions, i.e. it is impossible to add a certain error specifically to one sample point only!

Afterwards, you can get errors, correlation and covariance matrices for every data point by using one of the methods such as cov(), corr(), err().


When saving your dataset, your error configuration is saved as well, so you can reload it like any other Data or DFMD object.


The appendix of our paper mistakenly hinted at the unit of the relative uncertainties being in percent. This is not the case. That means that d.add_rel_err_uncorr(0.1) adds a 10% relative uncertainty, not 0.1%.


data – n x nbins matrix

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]#
property rel_cov#

Relative covariance matrix that will be later applied to the data (see class documentation).

\[\mathrm{Cov}_{\text{rel}}(i, j) = \sum_k\mathrm{Cov}_{\text{rel}}^{(k)}(i, j)\]

If no errors have been added, this is defined to be a zero matrix.


self.nbins * self.nbins matrix

property abs_cov#

Absolute covariance matrix that will be later applied to the data (see class documentation).

\[\mathrm{Cov}_{\text{abs}}(i, j) = \sum_k\mathrm{Cov}_{\text{abs}}^{(k)}(i, j)\]

If no errors have been added, this is defined to be a zero matrix.


self.nbins * self.nbins matrix

property poisson_errors: bool#

Should poisson errors be added?

property poisson_errors_scale: float#

Scale poisson errors. See documentation of add_err_poisson().

cov(relative=False) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Return covariance matrix \(\mathrm{Cov}(d^{(n)}_i, d^{(n)}_j)\)

If no errors have been added, a zero matrix is returned.


relative – “Relative to data”, i.e. \(\mathrm{Cov}(d^{(n)}_i, d^{(n)}_j) / (d^{(n)}_i \cdot d^{(n)}_j)\)


self.n x self.nbins x self.nbins array

corr() numpy.ndarray[source]#

Return correlation matrix. If covariance matrix is empty (because no errors have been added), a unit matrix is returned.


self.n x self.nbins x self.nbins array

err(relative=False) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Return errors per bin, i.e. \(e_i^{(n)} = \sqrt{\mathrm{Cov}(d^{(n)}_i, d^{(n)}_i)}\)


relative – Relative errors, i.e. \(e_i^{(n)}/d_i^{(n)}\)


self.n x self.nbins array

reset_errors() None[source]#

Set all errors back to 0.



add_err_cov(cov) None[source]#

Add error from covariance matrix.


covself.n x self.nbins x self.nbins array of covariance matrices or self.nbins x self.nbins covariance matrix (if equal for all data points)

add_err_corr(err, corr) None[source]#

Add error from errors vector and correlation matrix.

  • errself.n x self.nbins vector of errors for each data point and bin or self.nbins vector of uniform errors per data point or float (uniform error per bin and datapoint)

  • corrself.n x self.nbins x self.nbins correlation matrices or self.nbins x self.nbins correlation matrix

add_err_uncorr(err) None[source]#

Add uncorrelated error.


err – see argument of add_err_corr()

df: Optional[pd.DataFrame]#

pandas.DataFrame to hold all of the results

add_err_maxcorr(err) None[source]#

Add maximally correlated error.


err – see argument of add_err_corr()

add_rel_err_cov(cov) None[source]#

Add error from “relative” covariance matrix


cov – see argument of add_err_cov()

add_rel_err_corr(err, corr) None[source]#

Add error from relative errors and correlation matrix. err=0.1 means 10% uncertainty.

add_rel_err_uncorr(err) None[source]#

Add uncorrelated relative uncertainty. err=0.1 means 10% uncertainty.


err – see argument of add_err_corr()

add_rel_err_maxcorr(err) None[source]#

Add maximally correlated relative error. err=0.1 means 10% uncertainty.


err – see argument of add_err_corr()

add_err_poisson(normalization_scale=1) None[source]#

Add poisson errors/statistical errors.


normalization_scale – Apply poisson errors corresponding to data normalization scaled up by this factor. For example, if your data is normalized to 1 and you still want to apply Poisson errors that correspond to a yield of 200, you can call add_err_poisson(200). Your data will stay normalized, but the poisson errors are appropriate for a total yield of 200.



plot_dist_err(cluster_column='cluster', bpoint_column='bpoint', title: Union[None, str] = None, clusters: Optional[List[int]] = None, bpoints=True, legend=True, hist_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, hist_fill_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ax=None)[source]#

Plot distribution with errors.

  • cluster_column – Column with the cluster names (default ‘cluster’)

  • bpoint_column – Column with bpoints (default ‘bpoint’)

  • title – Plot title (None: automatic)

  • clusters – List of clusters to selected or single cluster. If None (default), all clusters are chosen.

  • bpoints – Draw benchmark points if available (default True). If false or not benchmark points are available, pick a random sample point for each cluster.

  • legend – Draw legend? (default True)

  • hist_kwargs – Keyword arguments to plot_histogram()

  • hist_fill_kwargs – Keyword arguments to plot_histogram_fill()

  • ax – Instance of matplotlib.axes.Axes to plot on. If None, a new one is instantiated.

Note: To customize these kind of plots further, check the BundlePlot class and the err_plot() method thereof.

